Как вы отметили день дурака?😜 А у нас в марафоне сегодня день чтения! 😉 Все помнят первоапрельские школьные розыгрыши про развязанный шнурок и якобы запачканную спину. Однако история Дня смеха знает куда более оригинальные шутки. Вот такой случай произошел более полувека назад: 📺 Kell Stensson's Instant Color TV . On April 1st 1962, Kell Stensson appeared on Swedish TV to explain how you could exploit the moiré effect to turn black and white television into 256 color 📺 Kell explained that all you needed was a pair of nylon stockings. He said that best of all were the newly introduced tights. He proceeded to demonstrate how you could tune the television by pulling the tights over the screen. He claimed that 25 denier worked best. 40 denier caused the picture to go very dark. We have to remember that television sets were smaller in the 1960s, so it was then possible to stretch nylons over those little screens 📺 It was rumoured that insiders bought shares in stockings immediately before the broadcast, but this was never proved. What did happen was that thousands of people gave it a try. As we know, this technique has no chance of working, however it did give con men ideas 📺 In England, several families were taken in by fake color sheets of plastic. Smooth salesmen claimed that their gadget would turn black and white television instantly into color sets. "Just fix our plastic over the screen and see everything in color", they said. In fact, all you got was a sort of green tinge, it made clouds seem like a chemical gas attack 📍Vocabulary: • moiré effect - муаровый эффект (разновидность оптических эффектов) • stocking - чулок • proceed - продолжать • rumoured - по слухам • broadcast - передача • con men - аферисты, мошенники • instantly - мгновенно, моментально • tinge - оттенок, налет . А с вами случались интересные первоапрельские розыгрыши? Как над вами подшутили вчера? #aprilfoolsday #марафон_лавина